
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Body Loves Balance!

I checked in at the center this morning and I had lost 1.25 pounds since Monday! WHAT? I know CRAZY stuff. Apparently my body needed the jump start and a little variety boost. I also had my balance class today and learned how we are going to slowly introduce calories back in to my diet. Geez, it seems crazy how many calories my Max is (1700?). Considering I was gaining weight before that means I was eating over 1700 calories a day...WOW! Right now I am eating around 1,000 so I will slowly add calories back, probably staying around the 1300-1500 mark for a regular day and then having the extras for any special occasions and stuff. The big thing over the next 4 weeks will be to learn how to choose the RIGHT calories and not eat 1400 WRONG calories. This is all pretty common sense seeming, though obviously not since I was 40 pounds over weight...

Anyways, I am very excited to have some extra dairy this week, extra starch next week, and extra protein the following! It all seems so within my grasp now. I think my mental break weekend and now adding back foods has been good for my mind, body, and soul!

The "official" final stats are:

Weight: 31.75lbs lost
Waist: 6 inches lost
Hips: 4 inches lost
Thigh: 2 3/4 inches lost
Arm: 1/2 inch lost

Total inches lost: 17 3/4

They even gave me a pretty ribbon that was 17 3/4 inches long with my weight loss and everything on it! I can't believe those stats...I look in the mirror and I get it...but not really...

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